Sunday, October 9, 2011

Writing Samples

Going home this week with more tests (phonics, math, and spelling), is a sample of your child's writing and how I graded it. I look for 4 main points (which we go over a great deal in class). I look for: 1. Conventions (do they have capital letters in the right places, finer spaces between words, and punctuation at the end of their sentences). 2. Does the story they are writing make sense (is there a beginning, middle, and end). 3. Did they write the required number of sentences for that assignment (usually between 1-4 at the beginning of the school year). 4. Spelling (when spelling a word they don't know how to spell or can't find in the room, do they write down the beginning, middle, and end sounds when they sound it out.) Look for further explanation with the sample of your child's writing this week!

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